Welcome to my madness!

All children spend at least some of their time doodling monsters in their notes instead of paying attention in class. Some of us just never stopped.


That’s really what I do. I make doodle monsters, only instead of doodling in ink or pencil I use bronze. Every one of my Beasties is a unique creation, sculpted directly in my hands, without any molds or casting.


How is that possible? Thanks to an amazing media called metal clay. A clay that is made out of little particles of bronze. Kiln-fired all the tiny particles fuse and sinter into solid metal.


I don’t even sketch out my Beasties. I sit down with half an idea or none at all, and let them come to life. Keeping that intuitive, whimsical feel that I enjoy so much.

So welcome! Explore! Maybe you’ll find a Beastie just begging to go home with you.