Brimming with Enthusiasm


This is a beastie holding a top hat, coming out of which is a beastie holding a fez, out of which is another beastie waving a fedora!

Do I really need to say more?

Okay I’ll try.

Some of my pieces have deeper meanings and themes. Some are just fun. I gave the largest beastie rabbit like features, because I was thinking about a rabbit pulling a magician out of a hat. Then I just kept adding hats.

The final beastie in the fez (because fezzes are cool) is just an eyeball and tentacles, but even that squiggly mess got another hat! It’s hats all the way down!

(I couldn’t get a good picture of it, but inside the final hat, if you look very closely, you’ll see just an eyeball looking back. Details matter!)

Approx 3.5 inches tall

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All pieces are handmade directly. No two are identical. No casts or molds will ever be made.